The best way to deal with a pest infestation is to identify what type the pest you’re dealing with. Take a look at these different kinds of cockroaches and how a pest control professional treat them:
American Cockroaches
Adult American cockroaches are reddish brown or mahogany colored. The area behind their heads is outlined with yellow band. They can grow as long as 3 inches in length. American cockroaches enter homes to find water or food. They can easily pass under doors if the weather stripping is damaged. Basement windows and garages are also common entryways. When American cockroaches enter homes, they often go to bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms and basements.
Professional treatment of these cockroaches may differ into your home as not all homeowners have similar situations. Pest specialist may design a unique program that’ll suit your situation. The commonly done practices include: Exclusion, Landscape modification, Gel or granular bait, Insect growth regulator, and Residual insecticides.
Brown-Banded Cockroach
One of the smallest of the invasive cockroaches, the adult brown-banded cockroach may reach 11 to 14.5 mm in length. Brown-banded cockroaches, like other cockroach species, are opportunistic feeders. However, when provided a choice, they have a preference for materials with a higher starch content, such as book bindings, wallpaper glue and stamps.
The techniques used to manage one species seldom prove effective when applied to another species. Thus, it is best to contact your local pest control professional if you suspect an infestation.
Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches
These giant cockroaches are shiny, oval-shaped, and chocolate brown in color with dark orange marks on the abdomen. Madagascar hissing cockroaches hiss when disturbed or alarmed.
A pest control professional will use a chemical spray to kill Madagascar Hissing cockroaches taking care to skip food prep areas. Also they will remove the large dead insect carcasses and vacuum up any eggs.
Oriental Cockroaches
These pesky insects are shiny black or very dark brown in color. Adult females grow to be about 1.25 inches long, while adult males rarely exceed length of 1 inch. They have wings but they cannot fly.
Pest specialist may design a unique program that’ll suit your situation. The commonly done practices include: Exclusion, Sanitation, Gel or granular bait, Insect growth regulator, and Residual insecticides.
German Cockroaches
The German cockroach is a small species of cockroach with 0.43 to 0.63 inches in length. Adults are easily recognized by their light brown or tan coloration with two black horizontal stripes in their head.
Pest specialist may design a unique program that’ll suit your situation. The commonly done practices include: Exclusion, Sanitation, Gel or granular bait, Insect growth regulator, and Residual insecticides.
Whenever you encounter these pests into your home, consider contacting a pest solution expert right away. Western AllPest Services are committed in excellent pest control management and bring you 100% satisfaction!