What do you need to know about Occasional Pests Invaders

Aside from some of the most common pests such as cockroaches, rodents, and ants, there are pests that tend to invade at some point of time. These are called occasional invaders. Depending on such circumstances that these animals can infest into your home. Factors may include weather, climate, or sometimes they find your home as a nesting ground.

Here are some types of Occasional Pests and how can you prevent or get rid of them:


earwig in white background

Contrary to popular belief, earwigs don’t crawl into your ears and eat your brain while you sleep. They are actually harmless to humans. But their appearance might scare some people, and so are considered a nuisance. Earwigs like humid places, they can enter your bathroom and kitchen where moisture is present. We suggest dehumidifying these places from time to time to prevent them from invading.

House centipedes

You may had encountered one of these not so attractive crawlers in your home. They can be found throughout the shower and bathroom sink drains, with numerous legs that make them look more menacing. Just like earwigs, you can prevent these coming to your home by securing cracks and crevices, dehumidifying bathrooms and kitchens.

Stink bugs

Though not really harmful, these insects produce a “smelly” odor that can be an annoyance when disturb or crashed. Not only are these pests a nuisance, they can also a problem for farmers as they attack a variety of crops. If you see stink bugs in your garden, blast them off with a jet of water from the hose then collect in a bag and squash. While doing this wear goggles to protect your eyes whenever they expel liquid that can cause irritation.


Silverfish tend to feed on paper items, glue, clothing and food items, such as flour and rolled oats, which make them more than a mere nuisance pest. If you have a silverfish infestation, use boric acid and sprinkle it to the areas where silverfish are active. You can also contact your local pest control to deal such infestation.